Converting barns into award-winning retail outlet
Becoming a Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor doesn’t just mean you will be selling rural land – it includes a whole host of jobs! As Steve knows, one day you could be valuing crops, machinery, livestock and more and another you could be developing disused rural buildings.
We got in touch with Steve to ask what he’s been working on recently. He told us more about turning these neglected barns into an award-winning retail outlet. Steve said,
‘As part of a team, I successfully completed a project to transform a collection of disused barns in the heart of a rural Derbyshire village into a niche retail outlet. The opportunity was taken to convert the barns as a means of diversifying and providing an additional income stream to the Estate whilst, at the same time, breathing new life into the village.
It was hugely rewarding to be involved in transforming a range of redundant buildings into an attractive courtyard and thriving development, which helped to meet the client’s objectives and also boost a local rural economy. ‘
Does a diverse career interest you? Consider attending an open day to study Rural Practice Chartered Surveying or ask us a question today.